Based on the experience of Eng. João Silveira in the monitoring and inspections of a large number of dams, when he worked at Promon Engenharia, among which includes the Main Dam of Itaipu, with blocks as height as 180 m, SBB has extensive experience in the design, installation inspections and dam monitoring analysis.
SBB Engenharia had the opportunity to act in monitoring design of large hydroelectric plants in Brazil and abroad, among them are:
• HPP Itaipu – Barragem Principal, PR;
• HPP Água Vermelha, SP;
• HPP Três Irmãos, SP;
• HPP Xingó, SE/AL;
• HPP Itá, SC;
• HPP Barra Grande, SC;
• HPP Campos Novos, SC;
• HPP Itapebi, BA;
• Dahamouni Dam, Argélia, África.
Behavior Analysis Reports
Up to now SBB Engenharia is carrying out the monitoring and inspections of the civil engineering structures of the HPP Belo Monte (31 embankment dams and 2 concrete dams), providing support for NESA - Norte Energia SA, the owner.
SBB was involved also in the monitoring and inspections of the following important Hydroelectric Power Plants, in Brazil:
• HPP Norte Energia (31 barragens de terra-enrocamento e 2 barramentos de concreto);
• HPP Jirau (2012 to 2014);
• HPP Monte Claro (2004 to 2016);
• HPP Castro Alves (2008 to 2016);
• HPP 14 de Julho (2008 to 2016);
• HPP Cachoeira Caldeirão (2015 and 2016);
• HPP Canoas I e II (2010 to 2014);

Establishment Control Values
For the following enterprises, acted directly in the calculation and evaluation of design data control, for the various measured parameters, such as, uplift pressures, displacements, temperatures, stresses and drainage flow:
• Main Dam of Itaipu;
• HPP Água Vermelha;
• HPP Três Irmãos;
• HPP Itapebi;
• HPP Itá;
• HPP Monte Claro;
• HPP Castro Alves;
• HPP 14 de Julho.
Re-instrumentation Project
It was prepared for CHESF - Hydroelectric Company São Francisco, in 1998/1999, the revaluation of the monitoring plan of HPP's Boa Esperança, Sobradinho, Itaparica, Paulo Afonso I, II, III and IV, all of them in operation for more than 30 years.
For ANA Peru, it was prepared in 2015 the re-instrumentation, and automation monitoring plan, of Poechos, San Lorenzo, Limón, Gallito Ciego and Tinajones Dams.
Automation Project
Eng. João Francisco proposed in 1995 the Partial Automation Plan for the Civil Structures Instrumentation of HPP Itaipu, which was developed in the period 1995-2003, being installed in 2005. It can be affirmed by SBB's experience that Itaipu was the first Brazilian dam in which the "automation Plan" has been successful done, as the result of a detailed design and execution.